Friday, 23 March 2012

ruff cut video

this video is our ruff cut edit of our music video. it was a bit rushed due to my operation on my knee but now that we have started filming again it will not be long until the new video is up.
The problems with this video is that too many ideas were reused and material from esle where which we did not have copyright over was used within our video. we are currently edditing new footage and will be making sure that all the maerial is of our own.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Feed back from class

 George presented our music video to the rest of our media group. They gave us some contructive critisicisium such as using straight cuts instead of fancy transistions all the time. Also make cuts smaller because they seem to go on a bit to long. The final bit of criticisium was that some shots were repetive. To over come this, we'll edit our video so that it has straight cuts and shooter clips. I will be able to walk again as of from next week so we will film some more footage so that we have more varaity of shots and footage so that our music video be as repetivive as our first draft.